Grails Goodness
I’m a huge fan of Grails, and after hearing a couple of talks on it at CodeMash last week I decided to check in on it’s progress. I had first caught wind of Grails last winter when I purchased the book The Definitive Guide to Grails. I had been attempting to learn Ruby on Rails, and was quite unimpressed. I’m a big fan of the whole “Convention over configuration” way of thinking, but for some reason Rails just never did it for me. Unfortunately the Grails project was undergoing so many API changes as it was working towards the 1.0 release, that it basically rendered the sample application in the book unusable. Through much digging through the documentation and the APIs I was able to struggle through most of the book and knew that this framework had great potential. So now Grails is approaching 1.0 very soon and it’s time to re-familiarize myself with this wonderful platform.